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Kenya Tea Industry Performance Report – 2023 May

Tea production for the month of May 2023 was significantly enhanced by 7.63 Million Kgs to 57.88 Million Kgs from 50.25 Million Kgs recorded during the same period of last year. It was also higher compared to an output of 49.49 Million Kgs recorded in the month of April. Though the month of May marks the cessation of the “Long-Rains” over most parts of the country, rainfall recorded across the country was moderate and well distributed. In tea growing areas in the West of Rift, Kericho received near-normal rainfall of about 82% of its Long-term Mean precipitation for the month while the rest of the region (Bomet, Kisii/Nyamira and Nandi) recorded moderate rainfall. In the East of Rift, high rainfall ranging an average of 98-178mm daily was recorded in the first week of May and moderate rainfall during the rest of the month. As a result, output in the West of Rift was higher by 5.22 Million Kgs from 32.81 Million Kgs recorded during the same month of 2022 to 38.03 Million Kgs. Similarly, production within the East of Rift was enhanced by 2.42 Million Kgs from 17.43 Million Kgs to 19.85 Million Kgs.dolor. 

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